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Why does Nestlé support breastfeeding?

We believe that breastfeeding is the best for babies
support breastfeeding

We support the World Health Organization's recommendation calling for exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, followed by continued breastfeeding along with the introduction of complementary foods as advised by a health care professional or health authority.

For children to grow up healthy and develop to their full potential, it is crucial that they get good nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life - from the moment they are conceived up to their second birthday. We contribute to the good health and nutrition of mothers and their children during this critical period through our scientific research, high quality products, and educational programmes. We include the wording 'breastfeeding is best' whenever and wherever possible and relevant, such as on infant formula packaging and in all communications. We also develop educational materials for health care professionals and parents on the benefits of breastfeeding. We also run campaigns and seminars on breastfeeding for the medical community in partnership with governments and medical institutions.

We have learned a great deal from our experiences and we recognise our responsibility to go beyond what were common marketing standards in the past. Every day, we strive to further improve our practices and our policies to support optimal nutrition for children.

Our actions

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Breastfeeding is best
Breastfeeding is best
Breastfeeding is best
We firmly believe that breast milk is the ideal food for newborns and infants. In line with the World Health Organization’s recommendation, we promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, followed by the introduction of nutritious and appropriate complementary foods along with sustained breastfeeding up to two years of age and beyond.
The first 1,000 days
The first 1,000 days
The first 1,000 days
For children to grow up healthy and develop to their full potential, it is crucial that they get good nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life - from the moment they are conceived up to their second birthday. We contribute to the good health and nutrition of mothers and their children during this critical period through our scientific research, high-quality products, educational programmes,...
Nutritious complementary foods
Nutritious complementary foods
Nutritious complementary foods
Starting at six months of age, the introduction of nutritious complementary foods is important to meet the growing needs of babies. In some parts of the world, children’s diets are low in key nutrients. Using our expertise in micronutrient fortification, we have developed a range of affordable fortified infant cereals to contribute to a nutritious diet for children. Link:
Supporting health professionals
Supporting health professionals
Supporting health professionals
We support health professionals as they provide parents with objective nutrition advice for infants and young children. The Nestlé Nutrition Institute (NNI) provides scientific workshops and continued professional education. As the world’s largest private publisher of nutrition information, it is also a widely recognised source of some of the most up-to-date findings about breastfeeding and...
Supporting working mothers
Supporting working mothers
Supporting working mothers
We also actively encourage breastfeeding in our own facilities. Our Maternity Protection Policy (pdf document) allows female employees to take up to six months’ maternity leave. In addition to enabling flexible working time and breastfeeding...
Responsible marketing
Responsible marketing
Responsible marketing
We have learned a great deal from our experiences, and we recognise our responsibility to go beyond what were common marketing standards in the past. Every day, we strive to further improve our practices and our policies to support optimal nutrition for children.
Stringent policy and procedures
Stringent policy and procedures
Stringent policy and procedures
We have the industry’s strictest policies and procedures in place to ensure that we market breast milk substitutes responsibly. This includes a global policy on the marketing of breast milk substitutes, training of all our employees who work in infant nutrition, regular internal and external audits of our practices, and implementation of whistleblowing and reporting procedures. We are committed...
Doing business responsibly
Doing business responsibly
Doing business responsibly
We are proud to have been the first Breastmilk Substitutes (BMS) manufacturer included in FTSE4Good Index and to have consistently met its 104 rigorous criteria for the responsible marketing of BMS since 2011. Link:
Constructive collaboration
Constructive collaboration
Constructive collaboration
Through our annual stakeholder convenings and Creating Shared Value Forum, we engage in constructive dialogue with different NGOs and interest groups on the topic of maternal, infant and young child nutrition. We are ready to work constructively with all concerned stakeholders towards our aim to contribute to the optimal health and nutrition of mothers, infants and young children. Link:
Speak Up if you have concerns
Speak Up if you have concerns
Speak Up if you have concerns
Do you have a concern regarding potential non-compliance with our commitments? Speak Up! We take all allegations we receive seriously and investigate them. Link:
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