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What do you mean by Good Food Good Life?

At Nestlé we use four simple words to describe what we offer: 'Good Food Good Life'
woman and man smiling

We believe that having a healthy, balanced approach to the things you eat and drink helps you to enjoy life. Nutrition is just one aspect of 'Good Food Good Life'. This conviction is enshrined in Henri Nestle's values and it is through this conviction and morale that the Company looks forward to the next 150 years of 'Good Food, Good Life'.

Great taste, consistent levels of quality and safety, value for money and convenience also enhance our enjoyment of food and ultimately life.

We strive to create products that are right for consumers and that contribute to public health and a sound environment.

Our strategy: The choices we make

We focus our energy and resources where unlocking the power of food can make the greatest difference to the lives of people and pets, protect and enhance the environment and generate significant value for our shareholders and other stakeholders alike. This is why we:

  • Apply our expertise in nutrition, health and wellness - developed over more than 150 years - to help people, families and pets live happier, healthier lives.
  • Meet the needs of the modern consumer with healthy, delicious, convenient products for conscious, time-constrained lifestyles.
  • Bring affordable, safe and high-quality nutrition everywhere to everyone, regardless of their income level.
  • Bring distinctive, premium innovations to market fueled by creative exploration, consumer insights, pioneering nutrition science and culinary excellence.
  • Advance our sustainability agenda to enhance the health of the planet, drive societal progress and support a sustainable food system, particularly in terms of:
    • Packaging and delivering our products in ways that are safe and protect the environment.
    • Offering more plant-based food and beverage options to enable us to be the consumers' preferred choice as they diversify their diets.