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Make Space - a health campaign for kids

Started in 2002, Make Space for Health is a campaign run by children’s charity 4Children and supported by Nestlé UK, which aims to create a network of contemporary, dynamic and safe out-of-school clubs for 11 – 19 year olds. 

A very important and well-known campaign that was given birth to in 2002. Make Space for Health is a campaign that is not only run by a children’s charity called 4Children, but it is supported by Nestlé UK, with the aim of creating a network of contemporary, dynamic and safe out-of-school clubs for 11 to 19 year olds. 4Children is the UK’s leading childcare charity and network of modern after school clubs for young people. The programme aims to increase nutrition, health and wellness awareness among youth workers and promote healthy lifestyles to young people outside school.

The campaign tackles a real social need, revealed through research with teenagers, parents and teachers which showed that young people are bored and do not have enough things to do or safe places to go, after school or in the evenings.

In 2010 a roadshow of interactive cookery sessions were held in youth clubs across the UK. These sessions were attended by young people, youth workers, local MPs and representatives of many of the local authorities involved. During these interactive, dun and educational sessions, chefs from Nestlé Professional demonstrated how easy it is to make fun, healthy food, in a quick and economical manner.

In 2011, Make Space for Health aimed to widen its reach, partnering with a further two local authorities, armed forces youth centres and empowering young “health champions” to help reach more young people including those living at each of the main RAF bases across the country.

If you would like to know more or are looking for more information on Make Space and the free health and wellbeing teaching modules available for youth workers visit