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People's Health And Safety
A job well done is a job done safely and with respect to the environment.
Every employee, contractor or visitor to our sites should be able to go home at the end of the working day without having suffered or caused harm in any way. Everyone has a personal responsibility for the environment, personal safety and the safety of others.
Our mission of ‘no harm to people and environment’ has resulted in a significant decrease in lost time accidents. The process has been accelerated with the establishment of a combined Safety, Health & Environment department in 2009.
At Nestlé, we believe that sustainable success can be reached only through people. No other asset in the company is as important as the people that contribute with their work to our culture and our business results. Therefore, we devote all the necessary energy and attention to protect employees, contractors and any other people involved with the company along the value chain, including suppliers, customers and the public. This Policy on Safety and Health at Work is based on the Nestlé Corporate Business Principles and the Nestlé Management and Leadership Principles, which are binding for the whole Nestlé Group.
To be at the forefront of accident prevention in the industry, we implement in all our sites the mandatory Nestlé Occupational Safety and Health Management System, which meets or exceeds the requirements of the health and safety laws applicable in the countries in which we operate.
Nestlé believes that accidents are preventable and therefore “one accident is one too many”. We integrate Safety and Health in the management of our business in such a way that all activities are considered with a perspective of prevention of all types of accidents and protection of the people at work. To advance a strong safety culture that effectively prevents accidents, we establish local safety and health organisations that provide specialist advice to managers and employees.
We commit to perform systematic identification of hazards and to manage them with appropriate risk assessments and subsequent actions to minimise danger. We establish emergency and contingency plans to deal with residual risks. This approach also minimises threats to the business, protecting our shareholders’ interests.