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The environment and our packaging

Nestlé carefully considers the environmental impact of packaging as an integral part of its product design.
Nestlé carefully considers the environmental impact of packaging as an integral part of its product design. Since the early 1990s, we have been reducing the amount of packaging we use through our global source reduction programme – eliminating unnecessary packaging and reducing weight while ensuring product quality.

Our Goals

Our actions

Over 90% of Nestlé’s packaging in the UK and Ireland is recyclable and we are always looking at ways to reduce the amount of packaging used and promote recyclability. In the UK and Ireland, we have reduced packaging by 19,500 tonnes since the start of Nestlé’s global packaging reduction programme.

Less packaging

  • In 2009 we were the first major confectionery manufacturer to replace non-recylable plastic with recyclable cardboard packaging in 20 million Easter eggs, 80% of the 25 million that were produced that year.
  • In 2010 we introduced cardboard trays to many of our large Easter eggs, replacing plastic inserts and reducing their use in a further 10% of production.
  • In 2011 we reduced the amount of packaging materials used for medium Easter eggs by a further 100 tonnes compared to 2010 by reducing pack sizes and using different formats such as foil wrapped hollow figures.
  • We have reduced the weight of our NESCAFÉ® 100 gram glass jar, cutting annual glass consumption by approximately 470 tonnes.
  • In November 2010 Nestlé Professional introduced new NESCAFÉ stick packs which used 22 tonnes less packaging.
  • In May 2011 Nestlé Professional reduced the packaging used on NESCAFÉ Latte®, NESCAFÉ Cappuccino®.and Aero Hot Chocolate® sachets saving a further 15.3 tonnes of packaging.

More recycling

  • Buxton Water® already has one of the lightest 50cl bottles available in the UK. All of the bottles are 100% recyclable and 100% of the packaging waste at the Buxton factory is also recycled.
  • To encourage more people to recycle Buxton Water launched a Recycle On the Go pilot project in Buxton, the Peak District, in July 2010. 21 recycling stations have been launched around the town with a further 15 planned in 2011.
  • In May 2011, Nestlé Purina launched “Together We Can” to encourage Felix® and Winalot® purchasers to recycle more pet food cans. By recycling 50,000 pet food cans £30,000 was raised for charity partners, Dublin Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Cats Protection and Canine Partners.

Working with partners

  • We work with the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) which encourages more efficient use and recycling of materials. We have signed WRAP’s Courtauld Commitment Phase 2 which publicly commits us to work towards the sustainable use of resources over the entire lifecycle of products across the whole supply chain.
  • As founder members of Valpak, we met our obligation to recover and recycle more than 25,000 tonnes of packaging in 2009.
  • We also comply with the European Union Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste which required the UK to achieve 60% recovery and 55% recycling of packaging waste by the end of 2008.
  • Nestlé Ireland is a member of Repak, a not-for-profit Government-approved compliance scheme that is helping companies to meet their obligations under the EU Directive.