Waking up to a surprise is always a great way to start your day. NESCAFÉ is now giving you the opportunity to nominate your loved one for an unforgettable Wake Up Surprise.
Nominating your loved one for the NESCAFÉ Wake Up Surprise is easy. All one has to do is to follow these simple steps; enter the NESCAFÉ Wake Up Surprise website - www.wakeupsurprise.com.mt ,record your nomination explaining why your nominee deserves to win, publish the video on your Facebook timeline and tag your nominee who must have a Facebook account.
Throughout the campaign duration, the best three nominated videos that capture emotion, are original and engaging will be selected by an independent jury. All surprises will be filmed and shared on Facebook account.
So next time you want to show your appreciation and gratitude to that person you care for, nominate them for a NESCAFÉ a Wake Up Surprise they will never forget!