Nestlé and Google have launched a new global digital campaign to help consumers find the top trending YouTube videos on their mobile phones while having a KitKat break.
Using Google’s voice search function, consumers worldwide can say, "OK Google, YouTube my break" to any Android mobile, or any mobile device with the Google app installed. After watching a short KitKat video on YouTube, they then see a playlist of the top trending videos on the platform and can share this content via social media.
In the UK and Ireland only, Nestlé is marking the campaign by replacing its classic KitKat logo with 'YouTube Break' on 600,000 limited edition packs, as part of the brand’s global "Celebrate the Breakers' breaks" campaign in this market.
Read the full press release on the Nestlé UK launch and watch a video on the Nestlé and Google campaign.
This new collaboration between Nestlé and Google follows a 2013 partnership whereby Google named the latest version of its Android mobile operating system 'KitKat'