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Feeling Good in Valletta with NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto

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Lija, Malta

A typically placid morning at Republic Street in Valletta became a swirl of song and dance in a flash mob.  Shoppers, tourists and other onlookers were given a very special, all-singing, all-dancing welcome as more than 22 dancers began to rise and sway to the sound of past Malta Eurovision entries.

The sudden loud music caught many shoppers by surprise as they turned around to see what the commotion was all about before seeing a group of performers dancing to the rhythm of songs like ‘L-Imħabba’ (Love), ‘Desire’, ‘One Life’ , ‘On Again, Off Again,‘ and ‘Tomorrow’.

Suddenly more people jumped out from the crowd to join the troupe of dancers who began to move to the rhythm of the music. Curious shoppers began asking around to see what these people were up to and before long they realized that it was a promotional stunt by Nescafé Dolce Gusto. They were presented with Nescafé Dolce Gusto capsules and invited to try the frothy Cappuccino from one of the pop-up stores.

The supporting cast was impressive: dancers, musicians, and the production team arranged serenely on the staircase of the Open-air Theatre until the unsuspecting target placed a capsule in the Nescafé Dolce Gusto machine at a pop up store in front of the recently-renovated Opera House to trigger the flash mob.

Performers disguised as ordinary passers-by and even actual shoppers suddenly joined together filling the street and dancing in unison, making it an amazing spectacle. 

A few minutes before the troupe of dancers arrived, Republic Street was always hectic with busy and hasty activity. But then the dancers flowed in all from all sides – the people paused and allowed themselves to be carried away, everyone danced and laughed together with a particular spectator who joined the fun going as far as uttering the words ‘ I love Malta’.

The video captured the surprised faces of several unsuspecting people from all walks of life when an undercover production team rushed around them to record the event. 

 If the shouts and whistles of encouragement of tourists and other shoppers were anything to go by, the atmosphere created during the flash mob captured the feel good factor that the Nescafé Dolce Gusto brand provides its consumers, with its unconventional stylish machines and its 18 indulgent capsule flavours. It simply tastes as good as it looks.

If you weren’t lucky enough to have been shopping when the secret performance took place, follow the link below and see the clip of some of the best sequences: