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Nestlé lends a helping hand to illuminate the way in Vittoriosa

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Lija, Malta

Vittoriosa once again glowed in candlelight last weekend as the local council organised the ever popular Birgu by Candlelight festival with the support of NESCAFÈ.Candlelight

Thousands of candles and torches lit up the historic fortified harbour town, giving the thousands of people that were drawn to the historic walled city, a glimpse of what the place used to look before the advent of electricity.

Work on this year’s event started months earlier when NESCAFÈ donated more than 500empty  NESCAFÈ coffee jars to the Vittoriosa local council to be used as candleholders, before a number of children volunteered to clean the fleet of jars and decorate them for the Candle light event.

“NESCAFÈ prides itself in being at the forefront in supporting local communities. Through our support we seek to foster a strong link with the community and are delighted to be associated with an initiative that is closely linked with the Maltese traditions and culture,” said Joanna Micallef Farrugia, Group Product Manager at Nestlè Malta.

Commenting on this initiative, Vittoriosa Mayor Mr John Boxall highly appreciated NESCAFÈ kind gesture. “NESCAFÈ’s gesture captures the spirit of Birgu Festival. It is a joint-effort between the local council, the Birgu residents and the sponsors.All of which are important links which make the festival a success every year”.