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Nestlé unveils Youth Employment Initiative in Europe

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Lija, Malta

Nestlé Malta embraces ‘Nestlé needs YOUth’ initiative

Nestlé has announced plans to create 20,000 positions for young people under the age of 30 across Europe over the next three years. The ‘Nestlé needs YOUth’ initiative will offer jobs to 10,000 people under the age of 30 and create 10,000 apprentice positions and traineeship by 2016.

The Nestlé European youth employment initiative was launched in Athens today, 15th November 2013, in the presence of Laurent Freixe, Nestlé Executive Vice-President and Zone Director for Europe, the EU Commissioner for Education, Androulla Vassiliou and the Greek Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras.

Through the ‘Nestlé needs Youth’ initiative, Nestlé will be hiring 10,000 young people across Nestlé sites in Europe covering different functions ranging from manufacturing to administration, sales, marketing, finance, engineering, research and development. The Company will also be opening apprenticeship and traineeship positions in European sites for people aged below 30 years by 2016.

It will also create a ‘Readiness for Work’ program consisting of career counselling programs at schools and colleges across Europe and set up an’ Alliance for Youth’ with Nestlé’s 63,000 main suppliers across Europe in an effort to encourage them to join this initiative and create work opportunities for young people.

On the local front, Nestlé Malta will over the next three years, from 2014 – 2016, be recruiting 17 full-time and part-time employment for people below the age of 30 years and opportunities for 9 apprentices and trainees across all functions in the organisation.

Speaking at the launch of the Nestlé needs YOUth initiative in Athens, Mr Freixe said that “Today, one in four young people in Europe does not have a job. Think of the impact on our society if these young people are left on the margins, without income, without a future and without hope.

As we continue to grow and invest in Europe, we want to do all we can to strengthen and develop their skills and improve their employability regardless of their level of education. The initiative, the first of its kind on such a scale, is built upon the Company’s continued commitment to investing in Europe throughout the economic crisis.”

European Commissioner, Mrs Vassiliou welcomed the ‘Nestlé needs YOUth’ initiative as an example of how the private sector can contribute to Europe’s recovery.

Youth employment

Whilst congratulating Nestlé for this initiative, the Minister for Education and Employment, the Hon Evarist Bartolo said that “This initiative by Nestlé is a shining example for other companies to follow. This helps a lot our young people by bringing together the usually divergent worlds of employment and education, so that the education system prepares the next generation for tomorrow’s jobs and not yesterday’s.