Purina has been working to develop the best products for your cat! Thanks to their new and exclusive technology, Purina developed the revolutionary Tidy Cats Crystal Blend which is now available in all leading pet shops and supermarkets.
This unique litter combination allows for optimum performance. The product offers an advanced moisture-absorbing effectiveness of clay combined with the proven odour-absorbing power of Tidy Cats Crystals. Furthermore, this revolutionary cat litter reduces dusts and maximizes performance and clumpability.
Its new formula has an incorporated odour-neutralising technology lasting up to 50 days. Significant testing has enabled Purina to re-launch Tidy Cats with formula enhancements that optimise fragrances with varying characters and intensities.
When changing your cat’s current box filler, Purina recommends that you mix a small amount of the new product with the old one (allow approximately 2-3 weeks). Fill the litter box with current cat box filler and as you scoop out a clump, back fill with the new litter and stir occasionally to mix the old litter with the new one.
For further information please contact Wembley Stores Customer Care on 21225147.